
This release includes new functionalities and improvements to the Symbol Policy PRO feature, Dashboard, Leaderboard and others.

Policy PRO Updates

The following new functionalities have been added to the Policy PRO feature:

Policies Completion Summary

A summary of the policies completion has been added to the dashboard of each company using the Policy PRO feature. This section highlights the last 3 policies assigned to users and shows a percentage of pending vs completed assignments. Admins are able to navigate through specific policies from this new summary section and see the list of all policies on the list.

Policies & Training Relation

When editing or creating a new Policy document from the app, admins will now be able to add up to 5 related training assets to the policy being created. So when assigning the policy to the users, the related trainings will be assigned to the users too.

When previewing policy documents and training assignments from the User Portal, users will now able able to see if any policy or training is related to each other.

Note: Related training is an optional step, so admins can leave it empty if they want.

Cyber Champs Leaderboard 

By clicking on the "View all cyber champs" button from the Dashboard, Owners and Members will now be able to see the whole users' leaderboard from the admin app. 

This new Cyber Champs view highlights with a podium the top 3 users with more points in the company. Admins can see the details of their points by clicking on the "View More" button. 

SSO for MSP Admins

MSP admins can now enable the Single Sign On feature at the MSP level.

This feature was currently available for Single Companies only, but now MSP admins can navigate to the MSP settings and by clicking on the "Activate SSO" button they will be able to set the SAML Single Sign ON configuration for their MSP company.

The fields required to set the configuration are the same as single companies which are:

  • Entity ID

  • Reply URL

  • Logout URL

Once this has been configured on their providers they will need to upload the .xml certificate and click on "Activate SSO".

Other Improvements

Bulk Delete for Users Categories

By navigating to the list of company users, Owners and Members are now able to remove the categories of multiple users at the same time. 

When selecting one or many users and clicking on the "Actions" dropdown there's a new option called "Delete categories", this option will allow admins to add up to 5 categories and remove them immediately. 

Bulk Delete for Email Blocks

The Email Blocks list now has an option to remove multiple emails blocks at the same time.

When selecting one or many emails from the list and clicking on the "Actions" dropdown there's a new option called "Delete Blocks", this option allow symbol admins to delete one ore many emails from the email blocks list.

Bug Fixes

  • ✅ Users points are now removed when removing a campaign.
  • ✅ Issue fixed for CAS URL redirects.
  • ✅ Permissions issue fixed for admins without access to delete curriculums.
  • ✅ Error fixed when sorting curriculum list by # of Assets.