Upload Custom Training Content

Private Training Content

Apart from having a long list of training assets, Symbol allows MSP admins to upload their custom content. This content will be private and visible only for their companies.

In order to add a new training content for your company MSP admins need to go to the training assets' list by clicking on the link called "Training" from the MSP left sidebar and choosing the option "Assets". Once they are in the list of assets, click on the tab called Private Content and from there click on the button "Upload Private Content" which will display a form that they will need to fill with the following information:

  • Course Name
  • Type of Format
  • Estimated Duration
  • Content 
  • Company or Companies with access to the content.

Symbol supports these formats for each type of content:

  • Document: (HTML, PDF)
  • Video: (MP4, MOV, AVI)
  • SCORM: (Zip) (Coming Soon)

At the bottom of the form there's a dropdown that allows admins to select if their private content will be available for a specific company or all of them.

After uploading the custom content admins will have the option to assign it to their users and track their completion.