New User Onboarding

Understanding the functions of the New User Onboarding workflow and how to set up onboarding rules.

This new feature streamlines the onboarding process for company admins by allowing them to set up the training content AND policies that new users will receive upon being added to the users' list.  

The New Users Onboarding workflow allows admins to select from a range of policy documents and training assets to assign to new users. Additionally, admins have the flexibility to determine whether this content should be assigned to all new users universally or if it should be based on specific user categories.

How to set up onboarding rules

By navigating to the company left sidebar and accessing the Users > Onboarding section, admins can manage the content that will be assigned to new users. By default, no content is auto-assigned to users, so this onboarding workflow is something that admins need to define for each company. 

Within the rules that can be defined, admins are able to:

  • Define a list of training assets. 
  • Define a list of policy documents.
  • Assign policies or training assets based on users' categories, for example: assigning Secure Coding assets to the Developers category.
  • Choose due date periods for assignments (1 month, 2 weeks, etc...).

Once the rules have been configured, the Symbol application will automatically recognize when any new user is added to the application (manually entered, uploaded via CSV, added via API, or M365 sync) and will proceed to assign the content. 

This customization ensures that new users receive the necessary policies and training tailored to their role within the company which can help companies remain compliant with a number of industry regulations.

Note: Keep in mind that you're not duplicating content if you're currently using the "Auto-Add" feature on your long campaigns.