Managing Email Blocks

Aren't your users receiving phishing simulation emails? Check if they are on the Symbol Blocked Emails list.

Sometimes when either your environments are not properly whitelisted or individual users take it upon themselves to block the Symbol Security domains or IPs, it creates a behavior with our email sending provider and the deliverability of emails gets blocked and the users don't receive more emails. 

If you're a MSP admin, there's a way to clean up that list of blocked recipients from the app and ensure the deliverability of future emails.

You can manage the email blocks by navigating to your MSP portal and clicking on the tab "Events", then choosing the option "Blocked Emails". This option will redirect you to a view where all the blocked emails are going to be listed from the most recent to the oldest ones. 

From the Blocked Emails list admins are able to see data like:

  • Email address blocked
  • Date/time stamp
  • Company name
  • Reason of the block.
And from this view, MSP admins can do actions like:
  • Individually remove emails from the list
  • Remove multiple emails at the same time.
  • Remove all blocks listed (this action cannot be undone)
  • Search by email address.
  • Sort emails by date or company name.

If you have any question about how it works or if emails are still being blocked, contact us at: