Manage Training Reminders

Remind your users about their pending assignments with a few clicks.

Apart from sending automatic weekly reminders, the Symbol application allows admins to easily send reminder notifications manually from the application to both users and admins about their pending and/or overdue assignments.  Let's look at the Manual and Automatic Reminder Options below:

Manual Reminders

Admins can send reminder notifications to users and admins directly from their User Profiles, however if they want to send reminders to multiple users regarding pending or overdue assignments they can do it from the Training Assignments List.

By navigating to the training assignments list and clicking on the "Remind" dropdown on the right side of the page admins will be able to choose three different reminder options:

  • Assignments Overdue: It remind users/admins with overdue assignments only.
  • Assignments Due in 1 Week: It reminds users/admins with assignments due in less than 1 week only.
  • All Pending Assignments: It reminds users/admins with all their pending assignments no matter the status or due date of them.

By choosing one of the options above, all users will receive an email notification reminding them about all their pending assignments.

Automatic Reminders

Apart from sending manual reminders, the app sends automatic weekly reminders to individual users and admins who managing a company.

Users are notified every Monday at approximately 9:00 AM EDT regarding:

  • Overdue assignments.
  • Pending assignments due in less than 1 week. 
  • Pending assignments without due date.

Admins will be notified each Monday at approximately 9:00AM EDT regarding:

  • All users with overdue assignments.
  • All users with pending assignments due in less than 1 week.

Training notifications can individually be configured by users and admins from their profiles. 

All reminders are sent from the domain.