Manage Company Notifications

Turn off/on notifications at the company level.

Company Notifications

Apart from providing a self-management notification for Users, Admins, and Managers, we have added a new functionality to allow Admins to manage Notifications at the company level.  So every change made at the company level will affect all users/admins and managers' notifications.

In order to manage company notifications you need to navigate to the Company Portal and from the left sidebar navigation select the option "Settings", once you're in the settings locate the Notifications tab, by clicking it the app will display a screen where you can see all the company notifications allowed to be managed.

From this screen admins can manage notifications for:

  • Training Assignments (Email sent to User every time a new course is assigned).
  • Personal Training Reminders (Weekly emails sent to each Admin, User or Manager if a course is overdue or due soon).
  • Admins' Training Reminders (Weekly email that Admins receive for their Users with overdue courses or courses due soon).
  • Managers' Training Reminders (Weekly email that Admins receive about their team members with overdue courses or courses due soon).
  • Managers Approval (Enables/Disables automatic Manager Reporting Invitation to any new Manager that is approved and added as a User via M365 integration.  If this is Disabled at the Company level, individual Managers can still be invited for Manager Reporting by any Admin through the User/Manager views).
  • M365 New User Notification (It sends a notification each time there's a new user on M365).
  • Domain and Email Threat Alerting (Users Dark Web Email Threat Alerts, Admin Domain Threat Alerts).
  • Domain and Email Threat Alerting Reminders (Users Dark Web Email Threat Alerts Reminders and Admin Domain Threat Alerts Reminder).
  • User Policy Assignments (It sends to users an email notification every time a new policy document has been assigned.)
  • User Policy Reminders (Weekly email sent to users with a list of policy documents pending signature.)
  • And more...

Remember: When disabling or enabling notifications at the company level, it will affect the current notification settings of each admin, user, and manager, but they will be able to manage their own notifications at any moment. 

Disclaimer: If you're an MSP owner you cannot manage notifications for the MSP account, you need to manage it on each of your child companies.
Note: If your company doesn't include a training subscription, then some notifications like training reminders, or assignments won't be visible.