Admin Permissions
When inviting admins to your single company or MSP company you need to keep in mind that they can have different roles.
Admin Invitations for Single Companies
There are 3 types of roles, Owners, Members and Reporting.
Owners can do everything with the app, as well as inviting other admins and see and modify billing information.
- CAN see, edit, delete and create users, campaigns.
- CAN assign training to users and track their progress.
- CAN access to profile page to change password and notification settings.
- CAN'T see company settings or billing information.
- CAN'T create or clone a curriculum.
- CAN'T send communication messages.
- CAN'T see phishing reports.
- CAN'T invite other admins to the company.
This role has limited permissions to the app, they only can do the following actions:
- CAN see phishing reports on the "Reports" section.
- CAN see and export phishing events.
- CAN see the Dashboard page.
- CAN access to profile page to change password and notification settings.
Admin Invitations for MSP Companies
Admin invitations for MSP companies are different from single companies. For MSP companies we offer only 2 roles: Members and Owners.
Owners can do everything with the MSP company and their child companies.
- CAN manage all the information of the MSP account.
- CAN view, edit and create child companies.
- CAN view and export all phishing events.
- CAN view, edit and invite admins.
- CAN view, edit and delete campaigns
- CAN add custom content to training library.
Admins with this type of role have limited permissions to the MSP portal they can/can't do the following:
- CAN access to all child companies.
- CAN view and export all phishing events.
- CAN view and assign training.
- CAN view, edit and delete campaigns
- CAN'T create companies or invite other admins
- CAN'T see or edit billing information and invoices.
- CAN'T add custom content for training.
If you need help with anything related to the use of the app don't hesitate to contact us.
S Symbol is the author of this solution article.