M365 Removal Queue

M365 Removal Queue

If your company is using our M365 users synchronization feature, you will be able to make use of the Removal Queue. The Removal Queue is a list all users/managers recently removed from your M365 roster. As M365 does its Daily Sync with the Symbol app, the application will recognize users that were there yesterday, but have been since removed from the M365 roster.  Users that meet this criteria will end up removed from the application's current roster and be placed on the Removal Queue.  This Users on this queue will be visible for a period of 30 days and after any User has been in the Removal Queue for a period of 30 days, that User will be permanently removed from the application roster, and all their data will be deleted.

Admins are able to access this list by clicking on the three dots icon from your Users list and selecting the option "See Removal Queue".  This action will redirect you to the list of recent removed Users and from this view you will be able to do the following actions:

Delete Permanently

This action will entirely remove the user(s) from the app, so by doing this action all data related to the user will be removed too. 

You cannot undo this action, so ensure you want to permanently delete them.

Recover Users

This option allows you to recover users from the removal queue, just in the case that they have been removed accidentally or if they have been unsynchronized from M365 but you still want to keep them on the Symbol users' list.

Symbol automatically checks removed users from your M365 tenant every 24 hours, and you will be notified via email every time we found removed users, however you can speed up this process by clicking on the button "Sync Now" from your users list on the app and synchronize it as soon as possible.

**Important..If a User is accidentally removed from the M365 roster for a period of time that results in them being removed during a sync with the application, causing them to end up on the Removal Queue, even if that User is re-synced with the same UUID, they will remain on the Removal Queue unless an Admin manually Recovers the User per instructions above.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Symbol WON'T bill for users on the removal queue.
  • Users on the removal queue won't be able to access to the User Portal
  • Users on the removal queue won't be part of the phishing campaigns or training assignments.