Symbol Security API
Print Created by: Symbol Support lives at and at the moment allows to manage event subscriptions (Webhooks) so the Symbol platform can notify MSP systems about certain events.Getting started.

- Within the Symbol portal go to your MSP company settings
- Click on the "Company Information" tab
- Locate the "SymbolSecurity API" Section.
- Within there you can copy the API token.
Postman Collection
Once you have the API token you can get started with postman. If you don't have postman installed you can download it from their website. You can use the attached Postman collection to get started using the API.
Regenerate Tokens
Symbol provides you a default token that you could use to manage your information through the API. However if there is a need to regenerate it you can do it through the Symbol MSP portal.
In order to generate a new token you just need to navigate to the MSP settings and next to the current token click on the option Regenerate, a confirmation modal will appear on the screen and your token will be regenerated and able to be used.
Important: generating a new token means that your previous token won't work anymore, so ensure you want to do this action.
If you still have any question about how to do the API connection, contact us at and we can help you.
API documentation
For more detailed information you can visit the API documentation site within the symbol platform, it details technical information about the API that could be valuable for developers.
SymbolSecurity API Documentation