Google SSO on Symbol Security

Follow these steps to set up the Symbol Security SSO in your Google Workspace.

Step 1: Access to Google Apps

  • Access to
  • Navigate to Apps from the left sidebar.
  • Click on "Web & Mobile Apps". 
  • Click on “Add App” dropdown and choose the option “Add custom SAML app”.

Step 2: Configure Custom SAML App

Add the following details to your custom SAML App and click on Continue:

  • App Name - You could use Symbol Security SSO as the app name.
  • Description - Add here any details you consider important to identify this new app.
  • App Icon -  This is optional but if you want to add a Symbol Icon you can download it from here: symbol logo.

After clicking on Continue, a step will appear to download or copy the Google Identity Provider details, you can skip this part and simply click on Continue.

Step 3: Add Symbol Security URLs

From the Symbol app, you might need to copy the Reply URL, Entity ID and Log In URL from the company settings, learn how to do it on this article.

Once you have located the required URLs, you might need to copy and add them on the Google Service Provider details. 

  • Add ACS URL which is the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) on Symbol.
  • Add EntityID: which is SymbolSecurity
  • Add Start URL: which is  the Sign On URL on Symbol.
  • Choose E-MAIL as the Name ID format and validate that the selection appears as “Basic Information > Primary Email”
  • Click on Continue.

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 3.05.58 PM

Step 4: Add Attributes 

  • Click on the "Add Mapping" button from the Attributes section.
  • On the Google Directory attributes field select the option “Primary Email
  • On the App attributes field write emailaddress. 
  • Click on Finish

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 3.08.13 PM

Step 5: Download Manifest

If the Symbol application was correctly added to your Google apps, you will be redirected to the app details where you will see the Name, Icon and URLs previously added.

From this view you can configure the Users Access, by default it's OFF for everyone, so you might need to navigate to the "User Access" section and make it ON for everyone or for a specific group.

Next step is to download the XML Manifest file which can be download by clicking on the "Download Metadata" button located in the options below the app name.

Step 6: Upload Manifest to Symbol

By navigating to the company settings in the Symbol Security platform, you will need to click on the Activate SSO button and upload the .xml file on the input file called "Service Provider Metadata".

Once you have uploaded the file, click on Activate SSO and your company users will be able to access to the Symbol App using the Google SSO.