Domain and Email Threat Monitoring

Domain and Email Threat Alerting enables your company to gain awareness and take action if your domain or users have information that has been found on the dark web.


By providing us with your domain, we can scan it and review if you or your users have compromised data on the Dark Web. In order to enable this feature you need to contact our Sales Support team at given this implementation has an extra cost on your subscription. 

You can access the list of Domain and Email Threats by navigating to your Company Portal and clicking on Threats -> Domain/Email. From here you are able to see both the domains being scanned and an overview of the email credential threats found. By clicking on the "See More" button you can see details about both of them.

Domain Threat Alerts

By enabling the Domain and Email Threat Alerting feature on your company you will be able to see a list of all possible domain threats and variants similar to your original domain. On each domain threat you can see information like:

  • IP Address (IP where the domain is registered).
  • Breach type (There are multiple breach types like subdomain, addition, insertion, omission, transposition, and more...).
  • Register By (Here we display the name of the person/company who owns the domain).
  • Status (Statuses can vary depending on the action you take on them, there are 4 types of statuses: Pending, Inactive, Overdue, and Reviewed).

Email Threat Alerts

As well as having access to all your domain threats, Symbol also provides you information about which of your users have compromised data on the dark web. On each email credential threat your are able to see information like:

  • Threat Name (Here you can see the Website where the data is compromised).
  • Threat Date (Date when the threat was reported).
  • Type (Here you can see what kind of information has been compromised by that user).
  • Status (Statuses can vary depending on the action you take on them, there are 4 types of statuses: Action Needed, AUP, Overdue, and Resolved).

When importing the Threat Alert Information to your company, all users in your list with email credential threats will be notified via email, this email will contain information about the data compromised and instructions to take action on them from the User Portal.

If you don't want to notify users about these threats, you just need to disable Domain and Email Threat Alerting notifications on your company.

Both domain breaches and user threats data is reflected on the Dashboard and your Boardroom Report.