Learn the differences between Placeholders and Variables used on Phishing/Threat Simulation Templates.
Placeholders are variables that are automatically replaced with the recipient's information. They are set before sending emails/assignments to your users, for example:
Let's say the information of your user recipient is the following:
- First Name: Kate
- Last Name: Johnson
- Email: katejohnson12@mail.com
- Title: Designer
In order to deliver more realistic phishing simulation emails, we define placeholders on the simulation email/landing page content that are automatically replaced with your users' information once emails are delivered by our app. The allowed placeholders are the following:
So, if you use a template that contains any of those placeholders listed above, don't worry, it won't be delivered in that way, it means that the content on there will be auto-replaced with each recipient's information.
Variables on phishing and threat simulations templates are pieces of content that can be customized by the admin, such as paragraphs, project names, phone numbers, locations, and more... Each variable has a default value that will be used if the admin doesn't change it when scheduling templates.
Let's see an example:
The value of these variables can be modified when setting up short campaign or company programs from the admin application. (It's not currently available to edit on Long Campaigns).
Some phishing/threat simulation templates include placeholders in the Subject and Sender Name of the email, so be aware of that when selecting the templates you want to use.
Dynamic Data Variables
Dynamic Data variables can be identified with the blue star icon. This is a new functionality that enhances the realism and effectiveness of phishing simulation campaigns by incorporating real, company-specific data into traditional variables. For example: instead of using a specific name or email on your templates, you can enable the Dynamic Data Variables functionality at your company settings to fulfill templates' information with real data from your users' list. Read this article for further information: Dynamic Data Variables on Simulation.