Corporate Cyber Risk score is the average of all the cyber risk of your users plus an additional indicator which is the Domain Threat activity that is part of the Domain and Email Threat Alerting tool.
The Corporate Cyber Risk value is calculated based on the number of users in your list and the cyber risk of each of them. Including the scores from different parts of the app like:
- Corporate phishing
- Corporate training
- Report a Phish Button (if enabled)
- Domain and Email Threat Alerting (if enabled)
- Domain threat alerts
- Email threat alerts.
If your company is not subscribed to any of the features needed to calculate the Cyber Risk like Domain and Email Threat Alerting or Report a Phish Button then it will be defined as 100%.
There are 5 different scores for Corporate Cyber Risk:
Excellent (90%- 110%)
It means that your company is excelling at Cyber Awareness and reducing Cyber Risks. -
Good (80%- 89%)
It means that your Company is performing well and showing engagement in Cyber Awareness. -
Fair (70%- 79%)
It means that your Company is meeting some levels of Cyber Awareness but there is room for Improvement. -
Poor (60%- 69%)
Your Company is performing below minimum standards for Cyber Awareness and could be at Risk. -
High Risk ( 59% or below)
Your Company is failing to meet standards that indicate basic levels Cyber Awareness and could be at Risk.