Auto Approve M365 Users

Stop approving users manually by enabling the Auto-Approve feature to automatically approve users inside a specific M365 group.

How to Enable the Auto-Approve feature

By default, the Auto-Approve feature is OFF when an M365 account is synced with Symbol Security, so if admins want to enable it for a company, they need to navigate to the list of users pending for approval and choose the option to see pending users as "Groups".

Once admins are in the M365 groups' list you will able to enable the auto-approve feature from two different states:

  • When the group is pending

    If any of the M365 groups is pending for approval admins will be able to see the Approve/Deny buttons next to the group, and when clicking on the Approve the app will prompt them if they want to enable the auto-approve for future users added on that specific group. 

    By choosing "Yes, enable auto-approve" then the app will approve all users inside the group and will enable the auto-approve switch to approve future users added from Azure.
  • When the group has already been approved
    If any of the M365 groups have already been approved, they will be listed on the groups list with a flag saying "This group doesn't have users pending for approval" and the auto-approve switch will be shown next to it. 

The auto-approve feature can be deactivated at any time by clicking on the Switch/checkbox input next to the group name.

From the groups' list admins also have the ability to search groups by name and also see the list of groups in different pages with the ability to select the # of elements they want to see per page.