Assign Training Courses for Companies

MSP Training Assignments

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Apart from assigning training courses to your users by navigating to a specific company, Symbol Security also allows MSP admins to assign training courses directly from the MSP Portal. The difference between a single company and the MSP portal is that admins should select companies instead of specific users, let's see how it works:

First of all, if you want to assign a training course, your MSP company needs to have training subscription, if you don't have it contact and we can help you. 

By navigating to the MSP portal and clicking on Training > Assets > Assign Courses, you will be redirected to the form to schedule a new assignment. 

Similar to how training assignments on single companies work, you will be presented with a form on this screen where you need to select the courses that you want to assign and define a due date for completion if you want. Then from the bottom part you need to select the companies that will receive this training (You can select a couple of them or all your companies). 

Once you have added all the required information click on "Assign Courses" and the training assets will be assigned to your companies in a period of 5 - 15min.

S Symbol is the author of this solution article.